Configuring Service Tasks to Send Email Messages from a Process

A service task that is configured as an email task:

  • Defines the email addresses which the message is to be sent from, and to which replies are to be sent, as well as the address of the recipient of the message. Addresses can be specified explicitly or taken from available data fields; you can include fields in the message and the contents of the fields will be used at runtime.
  • Defines the body of the text. This can also be typed in explicitly or taken from available data fields.
  • Defines any files or field contents that are to be sent as attachments to the email message.

As well as configuring the service task, you need to:

  • Create a system participant (of type email),
  • Assign that participant to the email service task.
  • At deployment, bind the participant to the appropriate SMTP resource instance (which must already exist).

See the How to Send an Email from a Process tutorial for more information.