ec_user_activity table

The ec_user_activity table holds information about user activity.

Column Description
user_activity_id Unique identifier for this user activity.
work_item_id The work item associated with this user activity.
process_instance Identifier of the parent process instance from which this work item was generated.
process_name Identifier (name) of the process template from which the parent process instance was generated.
proc_tpl_pk The reference to the process template, module name, and module version referenced in the ec_proc_template table .
activity_name Name of the activity from which the work item was derived.
activity_ins_id Instance identifier of the activity from which the work item was derived. This value is unique, even if the activity is executed multiple times, for example, as part of a loop.
org_ent_guids The GUID of the QUERY.
org_ent_names The RQL expression text.
org_ent_types QUERY.
org_ent_vers The comma-separated list of the organizational entity versions to which this work item was offered.
user_id Resource associated with this work item.
user_guid GUID of the resource associated with this work item.
action_start Start date/time for this user activity.
action_end End date/time for this user activity.
action_dur Total duration (in milliseconds) for this user activity.
wi_status Status of the work item.
user_action The user action for this work item.