Custom Interface Configuration

The custom interface definition file, customInterfaces.xml, contains elements that define the location, type, launch component, and attributes of each custom interface in the Workspace application.

The way in which you update the customInterfaces.xml file depends on whether you are configuring custom interfaces in the Workspace application that is already deployed to a runtime node, or to the Workspace application that was installed in your development environment with TIBCO Business Studio, as follows:

  • Deployed Workspace Application - Configuring custom interfaces in a Workspace application that is deployed on a runtime node can be done in one of two ways:
    • Using the Configuration Administrator - This provides a graphical UI to modify the customInterfaces.xml file. For more information, see Configuration Administrator Interface.

      For a more general discussion of the Configuration Administrator, see Using the Configuration Administrator.

    • Directly Modifying Configuration File - You can also directly modify the customInterfaces.xml file on the runtime node to configure custom interfaces. Note, however, that this method of configuration can only be used for the Workspace application. It cannot be used for a deployed custom WCC application (the specific location in the file system in which the WCC application is deployed is indeterminable—it contains GUIDs determined at deployment time).

      For information about the elements in the customInterfaces.xml file used to configure custom interfaces, see Configuration Elements.

      For information about locating the customInterfaces.xml file on the runtime node, see Directly Modifying Files on the BPM Runtime Machine.

      If you are configuring custom interfaces for a Workspace application that is deployed on a runtime node, you need to understand that once you modify a configuration file with the Configuration Administrator, its contents are written to the database; after that point, that configuration is read from the database, and not from the file in the file system. For more information about this, see Configuration Administrator Writes Files to the Database.

  • Workspace Application in the Development Environment - You can also configure custom interfaces in either the Workspace application that is installed in your development environment with TIBCO Business Studio, or in a custom WCC application you are developing.

    The custom interface definition file, customInterfaces.xml, is located as follows in your development environment:



    • StudioHome is the directory in which TIBCO Business Studio was installed.
    • version is the version number of Workspace that was installed with TIBCO Business Studio.
    • WCCProjectName is the name of the General Interface Builder project that contains your custom application. If you are working with the Workspace application, this is “workspace”.

      For information about the elements in the customInterfaces.xml file used to configure custom interfaces, see Configuration Elements.

      After customizing/configuring the application, it must be deployed to the runtime node. For information about deploying an application after customizing it in your development environment, see Deploying an Application After Customizing.