Creating BPM Resources

A candidate resource must be "created" to become a BPM resource. This results in an entry for that resource being added to the BPM database. Once a resource is a BPM resource, that resource can be mapped to groups and positions and log into the BPM application.

BPM resources can be created in the following ways:

  • Use the Create BPM Resource function. This function allows you to add the resource to the database without having to map the resource to a group or position, allowing the user to log into the BPM application.

    Once you’ve created a BPM resource with the Create BPM Resource function, you can also edit resource attributes, capabilities, and so on, for the resource — you may have a need to do this prior to mapping the resource to groups or positions.

    See Creating Resources Using the Create BPM Resource Function.

  • Map the resource to a group or position. If you attempt to map a candidate resource to a group or position, the Create BPM Resource dialog is displayed before the mapping takes place. The resource must become a BPM resource before it can be mapped.

    See Mapping Resources.

BPM resources can also be deleted. When a BPM resource is deleted, it once again becomes a candidate resource; that resource can no longer log into the BPM application. For information about how to delete a BPM resource, see Deleting Resources.