Event Handlers

Event Handlers are supported in Business processes and Pageflow processes. You can use event handlers to execute a flow that is separate from the main flow of the process (for instance to update process data used by the main flow).

Event handlers can be triggered zero or more times during the life of a process instance.

Tip: The flow from an event handler cannot be joined to the main flow (the flow from a start activity) or other event handler flows.

While an event handler allows you to do something multiple times during a process, it does not have to happen for the process to complete.

An event handler is a catch intermediate event with no incoming flow. Event handlers with no specific trigger type will normally be triggered through a destination-specific API or utility. See the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM - BPM Developer's Guide for more information.

You can execute a throw/catch cancellation event handler flow (only one per process) to manage the cancellation of a process and its sub-processes. When you cancel a sub-process call activity, the sub-processes that the parent process created are cancelled first. The sub-processes can be designed to execute compensation events to close down gracefully.