
This topic describes the data passed in the payload for PageBus event, com.tibco.wcc.schema.eventViewsRemoved.

Data in the PageBus event:

topic: The PageBus topic for the event -- see Non-WCC Components Publishing Events.
message: schemaId = "com.tibco.wcc.schema.eventViewsRemoved"
         scope = "public"
         items = [
                     "View": The event view being removed.
                     "Description": Description of the event view.
                     "DescriptionType": "detail" or "summary". These are defined in
                         the appropriate eventDescriptions.xml file. See the
                         Configuring Events chapter in the Workspace Configuration
                         and Customization guide.
                     "FilterId": The ID of the <filter/> element that is used to
                         initially populate the event list when the view is
                     "ViewType": Describes how the view was created: "context" (for
                         contextual) or "templatex" (for views created with the
                         wizard, where x is a number starting at 0 (zero) indicating
                         sequential position of template in eventViewTemplates.xml
                     “UserChangedBase”: Indicates if the user changed the filter
                         using the wizard, which becomes the “base” filter in the
                         event list.
                     “UserChangedFilter”: Indicates if the user changed the filter
                         using the Filter function on the event list.
                     “UserChangedSort”: Indicates if the user changed the sort
                         using the Sort function on the event list.
                     “UserChangedColumns”: Indicates if the user changed the
                         columns using the Column Selector on the event list.
                     "EventImage": Image displayed for view in the event view list.
                     "ViewSource": Indicates “User” or “System” view.
                     "SystemView": "true" if system view’ “false” if user view.
                     "systemViewDate": Date and time the sysyem view was created.
                     "systemViewDescription": "true" if user can modify system view
                     "systemViewFilter": "true" if user can modify system view
                     "systemViewBaseFilter": "true" if user can modify system view
                          base filter.
                     "systemViewSort": "true" if user can modify system view
                     "systemViewColumns": "true" if user can modify system view
                     "systemViewEventList": "true" if user can modify the                          events included in the system view
                     "systemViewReplace": Indicates if the system view definition
                          will replace existing view of same name.
                     "systemViewStartDate": Date system view takes effect.
                     "systemViewEndDate": Date system view is no longer in effect.
                     "systemViewOwner": GUID of user that created system view.
                     "systemViewOwnerName": Name of user that created system view.
                     "systemViewRecipientGroups": GUID of groups specified as
                          recipients of the system view.
                     "systemViewRecipientPositions": GUID of positions specified as
                          recipients of the system view.
                     "systemViewRecipientResources": GUID of resources specified as
                          recipients of the system view.
                     "systemViewAuthorGroups": GUID of groups specified as
                          authors of the system view.
                     "systemViewAuthorPositions": GUID of positions specified as
                          authors of the system view.
                     "systemViewAuthorResources": GUID of resources specified as
                          authors of the system view.
                     "systemViewRecipientVersion": The major version number of the
                          organization model in which the recipient resides.
                     "systemViewAuthorVersion": The major version number of the
                          organization model in which the author resides.
                     "Filter": String value used to query the event collector
                         database for events that are to be displayed in the event
         remainingCount = The number of event views remaining after the removal.
Note: The systemView... items are included in the payload only if SystemView=“true”.


topic: "com.tibco.wcc.order.wccPrototype.wccEventViews.listItemRemoved"
message: schemaId = "com.tibco.wcc.schema.eventViewsRemoved"
         scope = "public"
         items = [
                     "View": "My Instances Started",
                     "Description": "Process instances started by me",
                     "DescriptionType": "summary",
                     "FilterId": "All",
                     "ViewType": "template3",
                     “UserChangedBase”: “true”
                     “UserChangedFilter”: “false”
                     “UserChangedSort”: “false”
                     “UserChangedColumns”: “false”
                     "EventImage": "JSXAPPS/base/application/images/
                     "ViewSource": “User”
                     "SystemView": “true”
                     "systemViewDate": "Tue Oct 2 09:22:07 PDT 2012",
                     "systemViewDescription": "true",
                     "systemViewFilter": "true",
                     "systemViewBaseFilter": "true",
                     "systemViewSort": "true",
                     "systemViewColumns": "true",
                     "systemViewEventList": "false",
                     "systemViewReplace": "true",
                     "systemViewStartDate": "Mon, 8 Oct 2012 07:00:00 UTC",
                     "systemViewEndDate": "Fri, 30 Nov 2012 08:00:00 UTC",
                     "systemViewOwner": "5395A979-AC8C-4D08-AD2F-F2790B449560",
                     "systemViewOwnerName": "Clint Hill",
                     "systemViewRecipientGroups": "",
                     "systemViewRecipientPositions": "",
                     "systemViewAuthorGroups": "",
                     "systemViewAuthorPositions": "",
                     "systemViewRecipientVersion": "3",
                     "systemViewAuthorVersion": "3",
                     "Filter": "messageId='BX_INSTANCE_PROCESS_STARTED'",
                     "EventFilters": "<filters>\r\n <filter id=\"All\"
                        description=\"Process instance started events\"/>
                        \r\n </filters>",
         remainingCount = 6