Exception Handling

There are two levels of exceptions that can be returned when calling the Tools Interface methods: parameter exceptions and Action Processor exceptions.

  • Parameter exception - This type of exception is returned in the following situations:
    • One or more of the parameters passed in the method call is undefined.
    • If a parent parameter is passed, it is defined, but does not implement the General Interface setChild method.

      Parameter exceptions are always returned to the calling application.

  • Action Processor exception - This type of exception results when the Action Processor returns an error.

    There is a property, toolsErrorHandlingEnabled, whose value determines how Action Processor exceptions are handled.

    • If toolsErrorHandlingEnabled = false (the default), your application should handle any exceptions that are returned.
    • If toolsErrorHandlingEnabled = true, the exception will be handled for you, that is, a message is displayed to the user when an Action Processor exception is returned. (Note - The ShowErrorDetails user access control determines how much detail is displayed to the user for an Action Processor exception.)

      Two Application class methods are available that can be used to specify how exceptions returned by the Action Processor are handled:

    • setToolsErrorHandlingEnabled - Allows you to set the toolsErrorHandlingEnabled property. For more information, see setToolsErrorHandlingEnabled.
    • isToolsErrorHandlingEnabled - Returns the current value of the toolsErrorHandlingEnabled property. For more information, see isToolsErrorHandlingEnabled.