Purge Audit Status

The purge functions in the AuditService return a status.

The response from the doPurge, checkPurge, and stopPurge functions may be one of the following:

  • A status message. This is the response if extended data is not requested.
  • The status message plus a series of fields in the purgeStatus object. This response is given if you specify either of:
    • requireAllExtendedData=true
    • requireExtendedData=<field;field...>

Merged Status Message

The format of the status message included in the response to doPurge, checkPurge, and stopPurge depends on the status returned. The table below shows the message formats.

Purge Operation [purge_name] started at start_time is still in progress! deleted instances of total total deleted!
Purge Operation [purge_name] started at start_time finished at end_time with success! deleted instances of total total deleted!
Purge Operation [purge_name] started at start_time finished at end_time with error! deleted instances of total total deleted!

.                                         failure_stack_trace

Purge operation [purge_name] stopped successfully!


purge_name = A unique automatically-generated identifier for the purge. For example, [EC-PURGE-1351517760674].
start_time = The start time of the purge.
end_time = The time when the purge completed.
deleted = The number of instances deleted by the purge operation so far.
total = The total number of instances identified as matching the purge criteria, and therefore eligible to be deleted.
failure_stack_trace = The stack trace for the failure, if the purge resulted in a failure.

PurgeStatus Object

You can configure any of the doPurge, checkPurge, and stopPurge functions to userequiredExtendedData. This causes status data to be returned via fields in the purgeStatus object. Possible values are:

  • requireAllExtendedData: If true, return all the available extended data for this operation. Not all fields will be available to be returned for all circumstances. For example, if a purge operation is currently in progress the END field is not returned.
  • requiredExtendedData: This enables you to specify one or more specific items of extended data. Possible values are:
    Field Meaning
    START The start date of a purge operation.
    END The end date of purge operation.
    DETAILS Any additional details about the operation. (This is currently only used for stack traces when errors occur).
    NAME The automatically-generated unique name for the purge operation.
    CURRENT The number of items purged so far.
    TOTAL The total number of items found that need to be purged.