Live Development of Forms

With the BPM Live Development capability, a BPM client such as Openspace runs using the form resources in the local TIBCO Business Studio workspace rather than those previously deployed to the server, without the need for redeployment.

This way, you can iteratively make incremental changes to the form and instantly see the results in the context of the real-life deployed application, using live process instance data. When using the BPM Live Development mode, you can change the user interface of a form, but not its data interface. You cannot change other deployable models such as process packages, organization models, and business object models. If you do update other assets such as processes, organization models, or business object models, you need to redeploy the project to the run time.

The BPM Live Development (BPM Live Dev) perspective contains the TIBCO ActiveMatrix Openspace view hosting a browser session connected to Openspace and a Properties view for setting the Live Dev session preferences. When this perspective is active, the Project Explorer view is automatically filtered to show only form-related resources, and the Form Designer actively prevents changes to data interfaces of the form. Once the form is loaded in the BPM Live Dev perspective, you can load the latest changes to the form in the workspace by using the Refresh button.

Restriction: The BPM Live Dev perspective is not supported on mobile Openspace and accessible Openspace.