BDS Generation and Business Data Usage in TIBCO BPM

Business Data Services generate BDS Plug-ins from BOM Definitions. BDS Plug-ins are based on Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF). BDS Plug-ins contain generated interfaces and classes that extend the base interfaces and classes defined in EMF, and are capable of being serialized and deserialized to or from XML very easily.

Using TIBCO BPM, you can create Business Objects from a variety of tasks in a BPM Process. For example, UserTask, ScriptTask, WebServiceTask, and so on. ScriptTask and Web-ServiceTask use JavaScript as the script grammar for interacting with Business Objects.

When a DAA (Distributed Application Archive) is created for a project containing a Business Object Model, or the project is deployed, the BDS Generator generates BDS Plug-ins that correspond to the BOM.

The BDS Plug-ins will be generated in a hidden project whose name corresponds to a BOM root package. For example, if the BOM root package com.example.businessobjectmodel, BDS Plug-ins are generated in a project named .com.example.businessobjectmodel.bds.