SOAP API - readCase

The table summarizes the SOAP API - readCase.

Request Uses the ReadCaseRequest element (from the BusinessDataServices schema).
Parameter notes caseReference: The reference to the case object. You can obtain case references using findAllCases. You can have as many case references as you want.
Response Returns a ReadCaseResponse element (from the BusinessDataServices schema). Contains the pairs of case references and case payload resolved by the request.
Example Request:
   <ReadCaseResponse xmlns="">
     <caseData xmlns="">
           <casePayload><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <addresses xsi:type="gddemo:Address">
              <firstLine>4 Apple Walk</firstLine>
              <addresses xsi:type="gddemo:Address">
              <firstLine>My Address</firstLine>