
Once a resource has been “created”, that user can log into an ActiveMatrix BPM application.

A resource is created using the Organization Browser by doing one of the following:

These actions cause an entry to be added to the database for the resource.

Resources can log into the BPM application using the “Resource Name” assigned when the resource is created, and a password specified in the LDAP source.

Resources can also be deleted from the database using the Organization Browser, preventing that resource from being able to log into the BPM application. See Deleting Resources.

Note: By default, BPM applications recognize the user name “tibco-admin” with a password of “secret” as the System Administrator (although these names may be changed). This is the only user authorized to log in until another user is configured using the Organization Browser. By default, the tibco-admin resource is located in the System Resources container. (Note that if an external LDAP server is used, rather than the one built into AMX-BPM, the initial password for the tibco-admin user may be different; ask your system administrator.)