Generating Documentation On Demand

You can generate documentation on demand from your local filesystem, without requiring a workspace or TIBCO Business Studio project.

To do this, you require a supported file type (.maa) on the local filesystem. An .maa file is a way of compressing a TIBCO Business Studio project.

To create an .maa file, in the Project Explorer in TIBCO Business Studio, go to your project, and select the Documentation folder. Then right click to select Export > Archive File. When naming the file, give it the suffix .maa.

To generate documentation on demand do one of the following when opening an .maa file:

  • If the file is already associated with the Documentation tool, double-click the desired file within file system explorer.
  • If the file is not already associated with the Documentation tool, right click on the file and choose "Open With.." and point to the Documentation tool (<Business Studio Home>/studio-doc.exe).

The command line generates documentation in the same path as the .maa file for the selected file(s) and also an index page.

If an output path is provided in the <Business Studio Home>/studio-doc.ini the documentation is generated in the path provided. To add an output path, add the following to the beginning of the studio-doc.ini file:
