Creating an Organization Model

The Organization Model is contained in a file called, where name is typically the name of the entity for which you are creating the Organization Model. An Organization Model can contain more than one Organization.


  1. In the Project Explorer, select the Organization folder in the project where you want to create your Organization Model.
  2. Right-click the Organization folder or the folder and select New > Organization Model.
  3. The Create Organization Model Diagram wizard is displayed.

    Make sure that the Create default schema types box is checked.

    The folder you selected should be displayed in the Create Organization Model Diagram wizard. You can use the folder you selected or select a different folder, depending on your requirements. However, it must be a special folder of the Organization type.

  4. In the File name: field, type the name you want to apply to your Organization Model, followed by the suffix .om. Click Finish.


The Organization Editor is displayed, representing the single default Organization created in the Organization Model. This information is displayed in the badge in the top left hand corner of the editor. You can navigate to the parent Organization Model editor by clicking on the shortcut arrow in the badge.

The Organization Model is also displayed in the Project Explorer view.

Note: You can use quick-find (Ctrl+F) in the project explorer to find existing organization model entities and select them in the project explorer.

When you have created an organization model, you can search for organization model diagram elements using quick find (Ctrl-F) within the diagram, and entering the initial characters of the name you are searching for. Double-click on the element you are shown in the search to go to its location in the diagram.