Personal Work Views vs. Supervised Work Views

Work views are subdivided into personal work views and supervised work views.

  • Personal Work Views - These work views contain work items that are currently offered or allocated to you. They are shown under the My Work folder in the work view list.

    There is always at least one work view listed under My Work: your Inbox(1). The Inbox, by default, is a view of all work items that have been offered or allocated to you. It is analogous to an inbox in an email program, which lists all of your emails. The Inbox cannot be removed. Note, however, that you can filter and/or sort your Inbox so that it actually displays a subset of all work items offered or allocated to you.

    You can create additional work views under My Work that contain different views of your work items, that is, they can be filtered and/or sorted different from the work items in your Inbox. This is explained in Creating Work Views.

  • Supervised Work Views - These work views, which are shown under the Supervised Work folder, are of two types:
    • For an individual resource - This type of supervised work view contains the work items that are currently in the Inbox (unfiltered) of the resource.

      To supervise work views of other users, you must have been given access permission(2) to view work items in a specific position held by the user.

    • For an organizational entity - This type of supervised work view contains the work items that were sent to the selected organizational entity (group, organization unit, or position).

      To supervise work views of specific groups, organization units, or positions, you must have been given access permission1 to view work items in that specific group, organization unit, or position.

      Supervised work views of an organizational entity can contain the following types of work items:

    • Offered - These are work items that were offered to the selected organizational entity, and that still have a state of Offered.
    • Allocated - These are work items that were offered to the selected organizational entity, that are now allocated to a user (i.e., their state is Allocated).

      When viewing a supervised work view for an organizational entity, you will be able to see work items that are offered directly to that entity — it does not cause the supervised work view to contain work items that are offered or allocated to all of the members of the chosen organization entity.

    • All Work Items - This supervised work view shows all work items, irrespective of the resource or organizational entity to which the work items are offered or allocated. This type of view contains work items of all states: opened, offered, allocated, pended, etc.

      To create this type of work view, you must have the appropriate user access control (AllWorkItems), as well as the View Global Work List (BRM.viewGlobalWorkList) system action.

      Note that for “All Work Items” views, a total work item count value is not provided on the work item list to reduce server overhead. This means that the paging area on the work item list does not provide any work item counts like other work item lists. In addition, the “Last Page” button is always disabled. You can page forward until no more items are available in the “All Work Items” view, at which point a “You have reached the end of the list” message is displayed.

      The icons in the list of supervised work views indicate the type of supervised work view, as follows:

      Icon Meaning
      The supervised work view is for an individual resource.
      The supervised work view is for an organizational entity that contains offered work items.
      The supervised work view is for an organizational entity that contains allocated work items.
      The supervised work view lists all work items.

Also note that the following functions are not available from any type of supervised work view:

  • Open Work Item(s) (as well as the associated functions, Open Next Work Item and Auto-Repeat Open)
  • Allocate Work Item(s) to Self
  • Pend Work Item(s)

By default, there are no work views in the Supervised Work folder. You must create them using one of the methods described in Creating Work Views.


The Inbox view in the work view list is controlled by a user access element. Therefore, if you do not have the proper user access, you will not have this view.


This permission is granted via the View Work List (BRM.viewWorkList) scoped system action — for information, see the Configuring User Access chapter in the TIBCO Workspace Configuration and Customization guide).