SOAP API - getResource

The table summarizes the SOAP API - getResource.

Request Uses the getResource element (from the OrgResourceService schema)
Parameter notes
  • model-version: Can be obtained using createResource.
  • guid (optional) : Can be obtained using listCandidateResources. If no GUID is specified, the call returns the calling user's own details.
Response Returns a getResourceResponse element (from the OrgResourceService schema)
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:res="">
      <res:getResource model-version="-1">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <getResourceResponse xmlns="">
         <resource container-id="2" container-name="Eastern" guid="2F701860-6913-43A6-A3B6-F4B0F758F519" label="Clint Hill" model-version="9" name="Clint Hill" resource-type="HUMAN" xmlns="">
            <position guid="_-j8iYMoOEeG-IPt6GUFXxA" label="Sales Rep" name="SalesRep"/>
            <ldap-reference ldap-alias="easyAs" ldap-dn="OU=Clint Hill, OU=Swindon, OU=AllEmployees, O=easyAsInsurance"/>