
The Calendar gadget enables you to create calendars for use with TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM. The working and non-working times defined in these calendars are used when performing date calculations. For example, when TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM schedules a user task, it uses the calendars to calculate the work item’s duration and any deadline. Calendars are not deployed, they are created in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM at runtime.

Note: To view and create calendars, you must be logged in as a user that has privileges with the correct system actions assigned. These are described in Required System Actions .

The following information can be maintained in calendars:

  • working days and times. These are the days and time of your working hours.
  • exceptions. These are exceptions to your normal working days and times. For example, a one-off exclusion like a Company lunch, or exclusions that are repeated over a defined period of time, like a regular company meeting.
  • available working hours. These are defined as your working hours minus exceptions. For example, if your normal working hours are seven hours a day, but you have a two hour company meeting scheduled on a particular day then, on that day, you have five available working hours.

By default, when you first login to Openspace, one system calendar is defined and no working days or times have been specified. The system calendar applies to all of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM. You can use the system calendar to define the working days/times and/or any exclusions in your system calendar.

However, if you want to express working times and calculate deadlines for locations in different time zones or organizational units with different working hours, for example, you can define base and overlay calendars and apply them to an organizational entity. By default, if no base or overlay calendars are defined, TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM uses the system calendar to calculate working hours.

See Calendar Example for more information on how to configure your calendars depending on your organization.