Retrieving CREATE Case Data Database Scripts

Once your application that contains case data is deployed, you can go to Data Admin and retrieve the CREATE database scripts. Once you have verified them and perhaps edited them, depending on your requirements, you must execute them on your database to generate the case model database schema. Once you have executed them, you must notify TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM from Data Admin. You will not be able to start process instances from an application unless you have executed the scripts and generated the case model database schema.


Make sure your application is deployed. In other words, in TIBCO Administrator, the status of your application is Deploy with Start Successful.


  1. From TIBCO Openspace, click Data Admin.
  2. Click Live View.
    A list of the currently deployed case data models displays.
  3. Click the case data model whose CREATE scripts you want to retrieve.
    The latest version number that is currently deployed for that case model displays. The status of the case model must be PENDING_DBA_ACTION_TO_INSTALL.
  4. Click Create Script.
    The CREATE database script displays.
  5. If you want to make any changes to the script, click Edit.
  6. Make any changes you require and click Save.
    The Save dialog displays.
  7. You must enter a comment in the Comments box.
  8. Click Save to save your changes or Cancel to close the dialog without saving your changes.
  9. You can now execute the script on your database.
    If you have any problems executing the scripts, check your scripts to make sure that you have not made any invalid changes. See Best Practice When Editing Case Model Database Scripts.
  10. Once the script has executed successfully, click Notify to notify TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM that the scripts have been executed.
    The status of the case model has changed to INSTALLED.