Adding Text to a Model

You can add a note or text to your business object model to describe the business object model or to add any supporting explanations to the diagram nodes.

Note: When adding text or a note, press Ctrl + Enter to start a new line.

To add a note

  • Right-click on the Business Object Model Editor and select Add > Note.
  • In the Business Object Modeler palette, select the Note tool in the upper part of the palette.
  • Then click on the Business Object Model Editor.

    Note: You can also select Text or Note Attachment from this menu. The icon for the tool changes to show the item you have selected.

A Note is displayed where you can enter any text you require. Use the Note Attachment option to draw a line connecting a Note to the Class it comments on.

To add text

  • Right-click on the Business Object Model Editor and select Add > Text.
  • In the Business Object Modeler palette, select the Text tool in the upper part of the palette and then click on the Business Object Model Editor.

A Text box is displayed where you can enter any text you require.