Methods for Pane Class

The table lists the methods for the Pane class.

Pane Class

Method Return Value Description
addMessage(String message, String cssClasses, Control or Pane target, Integer row)
String Adds a message at the end of the message pane and returns a message identifier, which can be used to remove the message. The parameters are:
  • message: is the message string that is added at the end of the message pane
  • cssClasses: is the space-separated list of CSS classes to allow custom styling of the message. You need to add the cssClasses string to the element containing the message.
  • target: is either a control or a pane to which the message is targeted. If specified, renders a message as a link, to allow users to navigate directly to the target of the message. If null, then the message is not rendered as a link.
  • row: is the row of the list control or the control in a grid pane, to which the message is targeted. This is used only if a control is specified in the target parameter, and it is a list control or the control is in a grid pane. This is an optional parameter. If null, then the first element in the list control or grid pane column is targeted with a clickable message. If the target is a list control within a grid pane, then an array of length two needs to be specified. The first number in the array indicates the row of the control. The second value indicates the index of the value within the list control that receives the focus.
Void Cancels the modal dialog and triggers a cancel event.
Void Clears all messages added to the message pane using the addMessage() API.
Void Closes the modal dialog and triggers a close event.
Pane Returns the active child pane for a tabbed pane.
String Returns the background color for an element.

The color may be either a hexadecimal value of the form #RRGGBB, or one of the standard W3C colors as listed at:

This method will return the property value previously set via the corresponding set method. This will not return the original value set in the designer, which is only available in the form CSS.

Control[] Returns an array of controls that are direct children of this pane.
Boolean Retrieves the enabled flag for this pane.
String Retrieves the font color for this pane. The font color may be either a hexadecimal value of the form #RRGGBB, or one of the standard W3C colors as listed at:

This method will return the property value previously set via the corresponding set method. This will not return the original value set in the designer, which is only available in the form CSS.

String Returns the name of the font for an element.

This method will return the property value previously set via the corresponding set method. This will not return the original value set in the designer, which is only available in the form CSS.

Number Returns the size of the font for the element.

This method will return the property value previously set via the corresponding set method. This will not return the original value set in the designer, which is only available in the form CSS.

String Returns the weight of the font for an element. The return value can be either "normal", or "bold".

This method will return the property value previously set via the corresponding set method. This will not return the original value set in the designer, which is only available in the form CSS.

Form Returns the form object to which this pane belongs.
String Retrieves the label for this pane.
String Returns the name of the pane.
Pane[] Returns an array of panes that are direct children of this pane.
String Returns the pane type of this pane (for example, 
Pane or Form Returns the parent pane or form object to which this pane belongs.
Boolean Returns the read-only state of this pane.
List or Object Returns the object currently selected in the grid or record pane. If the grid supports multiple selections, then this is a list that contains the selected records.
List or Object For grid and record panes returns a list. Returns null or a complex object value for other pane types.
Boolean Retrieves the visible flag for this pane.

(deprecated in 2.0)

(Hexadecimal) Retrieves visual properties on the pane.

The only property supported in versions prior to 2.x was bgColor. The value for bgColor is hexadecimal, and is the same format as for font color.

Boolean Returns True if the modal dialog is open.
Boolean The enabled setting of a pane is controlled both by its own enabled property, and the enabled properties of any of its ancestors. If the parent pane of a pane is disabled, then isReallyEnabled() returns false for that control. The method returns true only if its own enabled property is true and all of its ancestor's enabled properties are set to true.
Boolean Returns the read-only state of this pane.
Boolean The visibility of a pane is controlled both by its own visibility property, and the visibility properties of any of its ancestors. If the parent pane of a pane is not visible, then isReallyVisible() returns false for that control. The method returns true only if it's own visibility property is true and all of its ancestor's visibility properties are set to true.
Void Opens the modal dialog and triggers an open event. Throws an exception if the same or another modal dialog is already open on the form.
removeMessage(String messageId)
Void Removes a message previously added to the message pane using the addMessage()API. You may only remove the messages added using the addMessage() API. The messageId is an identifier used to specify which message needs to be removed.
setActiveTab(Pane childPane)
Void Sets the active child pane for a tabbed pane. The tab to be set as active tab is passed as childPane parameter to the method. The childPane parameter must be a direct child pane of the tabbed pane.
setBackgroundColor (String color)
Void Sets the background color for the element.

The color parameter is provided as a String in the form #RRGGBB, where RR, GG, and BB are hexadecimal numbers representing the red, blue, and green components respectively.

setEnabled(Boolean enabledFlag)
Void Sets the enabled flag for this pane.
setFontColor(String color)
Void Sets the font color for this pane. The font color may be either a hexadecimal value of the form #RRGGBB, or one of the standard W3C colors as listed at:

setFontName(String fontName)
Void Sets the name of the font for an element.

The fontName parameter is provided as a string to specify the name of the font.

setFontSize(Integer size)
Void Sets the size of the font for an element.

The size parameter is provided as an integer to specify the font size in points.

setFontWeight(String weight)
Void Sets the weight of the font for an element.

The weight parameter is provided as a string to specify the weight of the font. It can be either "normal", or "bold."

setLabel(String label)
Void Sets the label for this pane.
Boolean Sets the read-only state of this pane.
List selection |
Object selection)
Void Valid only for grid and record panes. Sets the selected row or record of the pane to the object passed into the method. Passing null or an empty list clears the selection. If the selection is not present in the list managed by the pane, then this has no effect.
List value |
Object value)
Void Sets the value bound to the pane. For grid panes and record panes, this is a list of objects that represents either the rows or records represented by the panes. Other pane types pass a single value.
setVisible(Boolean visibleFlag)
Void Sets the visible flag for this pane.
setVisualProperty( String propName, String propValue)

(deprecated in 2.0)

Void Sets visual properties on the pane.

The only property supported in versions prior to 2.x was bgColor. The value for bgColor is hexadecimal, and is the same format as for font color.

validate(Boolean updateMessagePane)
Boolean Forces validation to run on the pane and all child panes and controls. Returns true if all validations return true. If updateMessagePane is true, then validation messages are displayed in the messages pane for any validation that failed. If updateMessagePane is not specified, it is treated as false