Performing a Two-way Compare

You can compare your current local copy of the Process Package with a previous local revision.


  1. Select the Process Package .xpdl file in Project Explorer, and right-click it.
  2. Select Team > Show Local History. This will show you a list of your revisions to the file.
  3. Select the previous revision you are interested in comparing with your current version, and right-click Compare Current with Local.
    Note: The default is to keep local history available for 7 days. If you need to see more history than this, select Window > Preferences > General > Workspace > Local History and edit the settings.
  4. You can then compare the file you selected with your current local copy. The Process Package Comparision Editor is displayed showing you a tree of elements that are different in the two files. This is a two-way compare. In the Process Package Structure Compare window at the top of the screen, expand the Process Package and select the level you are interested in (for example, Activities).

    The left/right revision views are populated with the tree structure of the different descendents of that element.The differences in your local copy will be shown in the left-hand column.