Deleting a Case Data Model

You can delete a case data model that you no longer need by first undeploying or force undeploying, then deleting, the appropriate business data application. (You use undeploy if the associated case data tables are empty. If data is present, you must use force undeploy.)

If Business Data Services is managing the database automatically, deleting a case data model deletes the associated case data tables and, therefore, all the case data in them. If you want to delete a case data model (that contains data) without deleting the associated case data tables, contact TIBCO Support for assistance.


  • Complete or cancel all outstanding work items and process instances that belong to any process application that references this case data model.
  • Undeploy all process applications that have an application dependency on this business data application.
  • Using the Openspace Data Admin gadget, make sure that the live version of the case model is not frozen. You cannot delete a frozen case model.


  1. In TIBCO Administrator, select the business data application.
  2. Click:
    • Undeploy if the case data tables associated with this case data model contain no data.
    • Undeploy > Force undeploy if the case data tables associated with this case data model contain data.
      Note: If you just click Undeploy by mistake the application's state changes to Preparing for undeploy with an Action History of In Progress (Undeploy). This indicates that the BPM runtime cannot complete undeploying the application until all data in the associated case data tables has been deleted. While the application is in Preparing for undeploy state, the BPM runtime will periodically check to see if the data has been deleted. Alternatively, you can click Undeploy > Force undeploy to force the deletion to take place.
  3. Using the Openspace Data Admin gadget, check that the case model is in the expected state:
    • If ActiveMatrix BPM is configured to automatically manage case data tables, the case model should no longer be listed. This indicates that the case data tables have been successfully deleted.
    • If ActiveMatrix BPM is configured to just generate SQL scripts when a case data model is undeployed, the case model should be listed with a state of PENDING_DBA_ACTION_TO_UNINSTALL. A DBA will need to obtain and manually run the database script to delete the case data tables, then notify the BPM runtime that this has been done. See "Obtaining DROP Case Data Database Scripts" in the TIBCO Openspace User's Guide.
  4. In TIBCO Administrator, select the business data application, then click Delete.
    (You will be prompted to also delete any dependent process applications.)