
This method defines the list of attributes available for filtering views of work items, process instances, and events. This method is called once while initializing the list of filter attributes in the Filter dialog.

A list of all filterable attributes is provided as input to this method. The method may be customized to output an altered list by modifying properties of attributes or removing specific attributes, making them unavailable for filtering.

For a complete list of available attributes, see: Workspace Attributes.


classProto.overrideFilterAttributes = function(oValue, oContext)


  • oValue - (Object) An object containing the attributes available for defining list filters:
    • oValue.availableAttributes[] - (Array of objects) Each object has the following properties, which identify the attribute in the Filter dialog. Property values may be modified (except for "id" and "type") to change the attribute's appearance.
    • id - (string read-only) Server identifier for the attribute.
    • type - (string read-only) Type of data stored in the attribute. The possible values are:
      • boolean
      • date
      • dateTime
      • double
      • int
      • integer
      • short
      • string
      • time
    • label - (string) Text identifying the attribute in the list of available filter attributes. The label is initially obtained from the application language resource file: JSXAPPS\base\locale\locale.xml for English, locale.ll_CC.xml for other supported languages (where "ll" is the language code and "CC" is the country code). The callout may modify the text value of the label. However, if multiple languages are supported, a call to the this.app.getLocaleKey() method should be made to determine the language currently selected for the application, and set the label to the appropriately translated value.
    • image - (string) URL (relative to application root) for the icon associated with the attribute.
    • operator - (string) Default selection in the operator field on the Filter dialog when a filter attribute is selected. The possible values are:
      • Equal
      • NotEqual
      • GreaterThan
      • LessThan
      • GreaterOrEqualTo
      • LessOrEqualTo
    • value - (string) Default setting in the value field on the Filter dialog when a filter attribute is selected. The value must match the data type specified in the value of the "type" property.
  • oContext - (Object) An object that provides information about the list being modified with the following properties:
    • oContext.userName - (string read-only) The name of the logged-in user.
    • oContext.userGuid - (string read-only) A unique identifier for the logged-in user.
    • oContext.viewType - (string read-only) The view type of the list. The possible values are:

      - com.tibco.wcc.base.ListContainer.WORKVIEW (Work View)

      - com.tibco.wcc.base.ListContainer.PTVIEW (Process View)

      - com.tibco.wcc.base.ListContainer.EVENTVIEW (Event View)

    • oContext.viewName - (string read-only) The name of the view that created the list.
    • oContext.viewDescription - (string read-only) A description of the view.
    • oContext.isSystemView - (boolean read-only) True if the view is a system view; False if the view is a user-defined view.


The modified oValue object, or null if no changes are to be made.