Case Identifiers

A case identifier (CID) is a special type of attribute that can be used to uniquely identify a case class. It can be used in processes, scripts or API calls to delete or to find a particular case.

A case class must have at least one case identifier, and can have as many as are required by the nature of the data represented.

There are three types of case identifier:

Type Icon Description
Automatic A unique integer that is automatically generated by ActiveMatrix BPM when an instance of the case class is created. This is the default option.
Custom A single attribute of the class that has unique values within the business domain. For example, a policy ID could be used as a custom case identifier for a policy class.
Composite A combination of attributes of the class that together provide unique values within the business domain. For example, customerName and customerDateOfBirth attributes could be used together as a composite case identifier for a customerNotes case class.

Custom or composite case identifiers:

  • must be defined as decimal, integer or text primitive types, or user-defined primitive types based on those types.
  • must be populated by the process, script or API call that creates an instance of the case class.