SOAP API - queryCategories

The table summarizes the SOAP API - queryCategories.

Request Uses the queryCategories element (from the BusinessService schema)
Parameter notes
  • includeFormalParameters: determines if the response includes categories with formal parameters. By default, response lists the categories without formal parameters (false). When set to true, the response includes all the categories with formal parameters as well.
  • If you are using wild cards to specify the filter based on category or channelId, note that the wildcard character ’*’ cannot be the only and/or the last character in the search string. For example, to search for all categories, the search string to be specified is **. To search for all categories under Category1, the search string to be specified is Category1/**.
Response Returns a queryCategoriesResponse element (from the BusinessService schema)
Example Request:
      <queryCategoriesResponse xmlns="">
         <businessCategory name="Category1" xmlns="">
            <ChildBusinessCategory name="SubCategory">
               <BusinessServiceTemplate moduleName="/SanityProcesses/Sanity Tests/SanityTests.xpdl" processName="SanityTestsStartEvent" version=""/>