Openspace Rebranding

You can rebrand TIBCO Openspace to match your corporate style. Integrating your corporate style will enhance your users experience with Openspace. Rebranding Openspace is achieved by replacing or amending the Openspace cascading style sheet (.css) files.

There are three areas that you can rebrand.

  • Login
  • Masthead
  • Individual gadgets
Caution: TIBCO recommend that you take a back up of the .css files you want to replace/amend before you start rebranding.

The following table describes the .css files you can amend.

.css File Feature Location



CONFIG_HOME\tibcohost\adminenvironment-bpmenvironment- adminservername\datan\host\plugins\com.tibco.openspace.login_n\resources



\\CONFIG_HOME\tibcohost\adminenvironment-bpmenvironment- adminservername\datan\host\plugins\com.tibco.openspace.login_n\resources\themesArchive\themes\tibco\

Note: If you have changed the display theme for a gadget, you must edit the .css file that corresponds to that theme, instead of tibco.css. For example, if you are using the black theme, edit ...\themesArchive\themes\black\black.css.

See Openspace Configuration Overview for more information.