
An Organization represents the top layer of your Organization Model. Typically, you would create an organization to represent the relationship of a process to an application, and not to model the entire organizational structure of a company or division of a company. So for example, only certain roles might be involved in interacting with a Human Resources application, so those roles would be modeled in the organization associated with the process for that application.

You can create many Organizations in the Organization Model. This is useful because you may have an enterprise that has relationships with other enterprises. Part of the operation may have been outsourced to another company, for example. In this situation, you can create an Organization in your Organization Model for each enterprise that your Organization has a relationship with.

An Organization does not necessarily have to represent an organization or enterprise. It can represent a department or project. It may make sense for your business model to create a project as an Organization if the project is large enough and it consists of several Organization Units, for example.

An Organization can contain many Organization Units. See Organization Units.

There are various properties you can assign to an Organization. See "Organization Properties" in TIBCO Business Studio Modeling User's Guide for more information.