Creation of a Model by Import

As an alternative to using the Business Object Modeler to create a business object model, you can import a model in any one of several formats, and TIBCO Business Studio will automatically convert it to a business object model.

You can import:

  • An existing business object model from a database;
  • A Unified Modeling Language (UML) model,
  • An XML Schema Definition (XSD) file,
  • A Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file

TIBCO Business Studio translates the imported XSD or WSDL file into a business object model. This is especially useful if, for example, you have already generated UML models or XSDs that contain information that you want to incorporate in your business object model.

The way that import works with regards to imports and includes is as follows:

  • If MyXSD1 imports MyXSD2 (each have different namespaces), upon import each XSD file becomes a separate business object model.
  • If MyXSD1 includes MyXSD2 (they share the same namespace), only one business object model is created.