
The <bpm-case-data> business component displays the case data for a specified case.

The component's internal controller invokes the CaseManagementService.getCaseData operation to provide the data that is displayed from the CaseManagementModel.caseDataTree object.

If you want to customize the contents of the <bpm-case-data> business component, see Customizing a Business Component for more information.


   case-ref="string" | case-data-array="object"


Name Type Description
case-ref String Case reference for which case data should be displayed.
case-data-array Array A previously populated CaseManagementModel.caseDataTree object containing the case data to be displayed.
Note: The getCaseData operation is not invoked when you use this attribute.
template-path String (Optional) Relative pathname of a custom template file to use in place of the internal template
Note: case-ref and case-data-array are mutually exclusive.

User Interaction

Case data is displayed as a read-only form, displaying the objects as a hierarchy. The user cannot modify any of the displayed fields.


The <bpm-case-data> business component is used in the Case Management application when you click Case Overview on the Case Menu for a case. This is also the default option displayed when you click a Case from the main Cases pane.

The Case Overview display shows both the <bpm-case-data> business component and, above it, the bpm-case-states business component.