Upgrade Error: Incompatible changes made during upgrade of version number of model

This error occurs if you try to upgrade a case data model that contains destructive changes as a new minor version. To recover, you must revert to the old version of the business data application, then correct and redeploy the new version of the case data model.

If you try to upgrade a case data model that contains destructive changes, deployment of the business data application fails with an error like this:
java.lang.Exception: Incompatible changes made during upgrade of
version of model
com.example.secondcasemodel-1 Details: The following unsupported
changes were made: 1. [Addition] Mandatory Attribute
"requiredattribute" added

The Details section in the message provides more information about the type of incompatible changes that have been detected.

In TIBCO Administrator, the business data application's status changes to Configure failed.


  1. In TIBCO Administrator, select the business data application.
  2. Click Undeploy > Force undeploy.
    The application's status changes to Running, but Out of Sync.
  3. In the Application Template Version field, select the previous version of the application, then click Save in the Effects of updating to version number dialog.
  4. Click Deploy.
    The business data application's status changes to Running and In Sync. The previous version of the case data model is now restored.
  5. Click Infrastructure > Software Management > Application Templates, and Delete the failed version of the business data application.

What to do next

In TIBCO Business Studio, either:

  • Remove the destructive changes from the case data model and redeploy it as a new minor version. (You can re-use the version number that failed to upgrade if you wish.)
  • If you need the destructive change, change the major version number and redeploy the project as a new major version.