SOAP API - getChart

The table summarizes the SOAP API - getChart.

Request Uses the getChartRequest element (from the EventCollectorReportService schema).
Parameter notes
  • filter: Defines the data to be returned in the chart. For information about valid query syntax, see Defining Query Filter Strings.
  • group: (Optional; default = all audit data is returned): The attribute to further separate the data in the chart. The attributes that can be specified depends on the type of data specified in the area attribute. See "Attributes" below.
  • category: Indicates what to display about the data type specified in the area parameter.
    • attribute: The name of the attribute that contains the data used to construct the chart. The attributes that can be specified depends on the type of data specified in the area attribute. See "Attributes" below.
    • type - Type of data displayed in the chart. Currently, the only valid entry is COUNT (that is, the number of items specified by the other attributes).
  • area: The type of data to display in the chart. Must be one of the following:
    • AUDIT
  • filterAttributes (Optional): Used to filter the data to be returned:
    • name: The name of the attribute to filter on. The attributes that can be specified depends on the type of data specified in the area attribute. See "Attributes" below.
    • data: The data to filter on in the specified attribute.
  • advancedOptions: for internal use only.


Some of the parameters above require an attribute name. The allowable attributes depends on the type of data displayed in the chart. The following links provide lists of attributes for each type of data:

Response Returns a getChartResponse element (from the EventCollectorReportService schema).
Example Request:
      <getChartResponse xmlns="">
         <ChartResult xmlns="">
            <categories xmlns="">
            <data xmlns="">
            <data xmlns="">
            <data xmlns="">
            <data xmlns="">