Moving a Resource to Different LDAP Container

You can change the LDAP references of a resource, for instance to move it to a different LDAP container. This may be desired if a resource has moved to a different part of the company.

The following diagram shows an example of how to move a resource.

Moving a Resource to a Different LDAP Container


  1. Call either findByEntity or findByName to find a resource for user selection.
  2. Call getResource to get resource details for confirmation.
  3. Call listContainers to list LDAP containers for selection of the destination LDAP container.
  4. Call listCandidateResources to get candidates from the destination LDAP container.
  5. Call updateResource to update the resource with the selected candidate details.

    The updateResource request must include an LDAP reference for each LDAP source referenced by the LDAP Container.