Callout Methods

The following provides a brief summary of the callout interface methods:

  • overrideBaseFilter - Sets the base filter for a work view, process view, or event view. It is called when a view definition is created or edited, and whenever the list contents are refreshed.
  • overrideFilterOnLoad - This method is called once while initializing the list and provides a means for modifying the refinement filter initially applied to a work item, process instance, or event list.
  • overrideFilterOnRefresh - This method is called whenever a list is initially opened, each time the list is refreshed, and each time the user specifies a filter in the Filter dialog. It provides a means for always appending a filter expression to any filters that may be defined by the user.

    Filter changes applied by this method do NOT appear in the Filter dialog and are not visible to the user.

  • overrideFilterAttributes - Defines the list of attributes available for filtering views of work items, process instances, and events. This is called once while initializing the list of filter attributes in the Filter dialog.
  • overrideSortOnLoad - This method is called once while initializing the list and provides a means for modifying the sort parameters initially applied to a work item, process instance, or event list.
  • overrideSortOnRefresh - This method is called whenever a list is initially opened, each time the list is refreshed and each time the user specifies a sort in the Sort dialog. It provides a means for always appending a sort specification to any sort that may be defined by the user.

    Sort changes applied by this method do NOT appear in the Sort dialog and are not visible to the user.

  • overrideSortAttributes - Defines the list of attributes available for sorting views of work items, process instances, and events. This is called once while initializing the list of sort attributes in the Sort dialog.
  • overrideColumnsOnLoad - Defines the columns (attributes) that display, by default, for views of work items, process instances, and events. This is called once while initializing the list.
  • overrideColumnsOnRefresh - This method is called whenever a list is initially opened, each time the list is refreshed and each time the user specifies columns in the Column Selector dialog. It provides a means for always appending columns or removing columns defined by the user.
  • overrideColumnAttributes - Defines the list of attributes available for display as columns in views of work items, process instances, and events. This is called once while initializing the list of attributes in the Column Selector dialog.
  • overrideProcesses - Defines the list of processes that are available to a user when creating a process view or starting a process instance. This is called once while initializing the list of available processes.
  • overrideBusinessServices - Defines the list of business services that are available to a user when starting a business service. This is called once while initializing the list of available services.
  • overrideBusinessServiceCategories - Defines the list of business service categories that are available to a user when starting a business service. This is called once while initializing the list of available business services.
  • modifyMatrix - This method provides a means for modifying the characteristics of lists displayed in the application. A reference to a TIBCO General Interface jsx3.gui.Matrix component is provided as input and may be modified by the method. This is called once when the list is first constructed.
  • modifyViewListData - This method provides a means of modifying display values for work items in work view, process view, and event view lists. The XML that populates the list is passed to this method, providing a means to manipulate list data prior to it being displayed. Text values of view names and descriptions may be changed, allowing for localization or customization, plus items in the list may be reordered.
Note: Callout methods that affect views do not have an affect on the “master” copy of system views; they will affect only the “recipient” copy of a system view. For more information about system views, see the Using Views chapter in the TIBCO Workspace User’s Guide.