Creating a New BPM Node with TCT Causes Failures

The BPM Server Node Type wizard fails at the last phase of the process (distributing the product application to the newly created node) if any of the child user applications that have been deployed to the product application are in a “Failed” state. Before adding a new node, rectify the issue with the broken user application so that it is no longer in a “Failed” state.


  1. Fix the user application.
  2. If you cannot fix the user application, log into TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator and click Applications.
  3. Check if there are any applications that are deployed to the product application that are “Out of sync” (ignore applications in the “Failed” state). If there are no non-failed applications in the “Out of sync” state, no intervention is required.
  4. Select the “Out of sync” applications and click Deploy. The applications should go into the “In Sync” state.