Enable Auditing of Process Data

To be able to audit process data (that is, view process data in the Event Viewer), you must enable it in the ec-probe-rules.xml file on the server.

The work item attributes are not included in audit data (that is, in the Event Viewer) by default for performance reasons.


  1. Open the ec-probe-rules.xml file.
    This file is located in the following directory on the machine on which ActiveMatrix BPM is installed:


    • CONFIG_HOME is the root directory for ActiveMatrix BPM runtime files. This can be specified during installation.

      On Windows systems, this defaults to:


      On UNIX systems, this defaults to:


    • bpm_app_name is the name of the ActiveMatrix BPM application, which can be specified during installation.

      This defaults to:


  2. Locate genericAttributes:

  3. Comment out the line that contains genericAttributes:
    It should now appears as follows:

  4. Save and close the ec-probe-rules.xml file.

What to do next

Map process data fields to the desired work item attributes -- see Mapping Process Data to be Audited.