Opening the Forms

There are two main tasks in the Capture Claim business process: Capture Claim and Interview Witness.

Opening a form, rather than simply previewing it, causes the default form to become a customized form.

Note: The first time you open a form, a warning is displayed to inform you that:
"The customized form is no longer being automatically kept in sync with the activity interface."
For the tutorials in this chapter, we customize forms rather than using default forms. Ignore the warnings, and click Overwrite when you open a given form for the first time.


  1. In the process editor, right-click the Capture Claim task, and click Form > Open.
    Note: Since the tutorials in this Guide concentrate on procedures specific to forms, the data fields required for the Claims Process business process are already created for you and added as parameters to the two user tasks. These steps are part of the business process modeling procedures that precede form modeling.

    The Capture Claim form in the design view opens.

    Note: There are two tabs at the bottom of the pane, labeled Design and GWT Preview. The GWT Preview tab is used to see how the form is displayed at runtime. For an explanation of the Design tab, which is used for form modeling, and the preview tabs, which is used to preview and test the form, see The Design Tab and Preview Tabs.
  2. Click the GWT Preview tab to see the preview.
  3. In the process editor, click Claims Process No Forms to see the process.
  4. Right-click the Interview Witness task, and click Form > Open.

    The Interview Witness form opens in the Form editor.

  5. Click the GWT Preview tab to see the preview.
  6. Click the process editor again, and see the General tab in the Properties view.

    You can see the URL for the newly created form in the Form field:

  7. Save the process model with this new URL by typing Ctrl+S or clicking Save.

    A Save Package dialog is displayed to confirm if you want to save all the elements in the package.

  8. Click OK.