
This method provides a means for modifying the base filter for a work view, process view, or event view. It is called when a view definition is created or edited, and whenever the list contents are refreshed.

A context property, passed into this method, indicates the type of action that caused the callout method to be executed. This property may be utilized to set default base filters that are visible and may be modified in the view wizard, or to create base filters that are not visible or accessible to the user and are applied every time the list is refreshed.


classProto.overrideBaseFilter = function(oValue, oContext)


  • oValue - (Object) An object containing the following properties, defining the base filter:
    • oValue.filter - (string) The base filter expression to initially apply to the view. For information about viewing filter expressions on the Filter dialog in a WCC application, see Callout Utilities. For additional details about filter expressions, see the “Sorting List" and "Filtering Lists” topics in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Developer’s Guide.
    • oValue.filterXML - (string) The XML that is used to graphically depict the filter expression in the Filter dialog. This XML string is obtained using the Export Filter XML tool on the Filter dialog in a WCC application (see Callout Utilities).
    • oValue.userChanged - (boolean read-only) A flag indicating whether or not the user has ever modified the value, facilitating logic related to default values. This value is null if it is unknown whether the user has changed the value because the view was created prior to implementation of the callout interface.
  • oContext - (Object) An object that provides information about the list being modified with the following properties:
    • oContext.userName - (string read-only) The name of the logged-in user.
    • oContext.userGuid - (string read-only) A unique identifier for the logged-in user.
    • oContext.viewType - (string read-only) The view type of the list. The possible values are:
      • com.tibco.wcc.base.ListContainer.WORKVIEW (Work View)
      • com.tibco.wcc.base.ListContainer.PTVIEW (Process View)
      • com.tibco.wcc.base.ListContainer.EVENTVIEW (Event View)
    • oContext.viewName - (string read-only) The name of the view that created the list.
    • oContext.viewDescription - (string read-only) A description of the view.
    • oContext.isSystemView - (boolean read-only) True if the view is a system view; False if the view is a user-defined view.
    • oContext.viewAction - (string read-only) One of the following, depending on what action has caused the callout to be invoked:

      "onCreate" - The view wizard has been opened for the purpose of creating a new view. Use the callout method to specify the default filter for the view. This filter is displayed on the Filter dialog of the wizard and may be modified by the user.

      "onEdit" - The view wizard has been opened for the purpose of editing an existing view. Use the callout method to modify the existing base filter defined for the view. This filter is displayed on the Filter dialog of the wizard and may be modified by the user.

      "onRefresh" - The list is initially loading or has been refreshed for any reason. Use the callout method to apply a base filter that is not visible and cannot be modified by the user in the view wizard.


The modified oValue object, or null if no changes are to be made.