
The BusinessDeadlineService is used to calculate the deadline for completing a specified task, based on a given calendar.

The table below lists the functions available from the BusinessDeadlineService.

Function Description Returns
calcDeadline Calculates the earliest date and time that a deadline can be completed. A starting time (start-date-time) and a duration for the task must be given.

If the duration does not specify hours, minutes, or seconds, then it is assumed to be in working days. See Duration Definitions. Days with too little working time do not count as working days; see Minimum Hours in Working Day Calculations.

The calendarLookAhead property in the file determines how far ahead in the calendar the calculation algorithm looks to take account of entries that would affect the duration of a task. See "Configuring TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Deadline and Calendar Properties" in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Administration for details of this property.

The request may optionally also include a collection of identifiers from which a calendar can be resolved. There can be any number of these, each line being one of:

  • A calendar reference.
  • Information identifying an entity within an organization model which is the participant for the task. An organizational entity may be associated at design time with a particular calendar.

If these identifiers do not define a calendar to be used, then the default Base calendar is used to calculate the deadline.

Once the operation has determined which base and overlay calendars are to be used for the deadline calculation, it determines the available working hours in those calendars. Using that information, the operation calculates and returns the earliest time at which work of the given duration can be completed.

Required system action: readCalendars
