Initialize Input Data
The Complete Script for the Custom Audit 1 task initializes the auditRequest data field.
This field is set to a type of eventObject (external reference), which is the data type that is sent to the Event Collector Audit service.
The script reads as follows:
auditRequest = com_tibco_n2_ec_api_Factory.createeventObject(); auditRequest.event = com_tibco_n2_ec_api_base_Factory.createEvent(); /* * Recommended Attributes, the minimum required attributes should be included */ auditRequest.event.correlationId = "customAudit"; auditRequest.event.eventTimestamp = DateTimeUtil.createDatetimetz(); var a = com_tibco_n2_ec_api_base_Factory.createAttribute(); a.attributeId = -1; a.attributeName = "managedObjectId"; a.value = Process.getId(); auditRequest.event.attribute.add(a); a = com_tibco_n2_ec_api_base_Factory.createAttribute(); a.attributeId = -1; a.attributeName = "managedObjectName"; a.value = Process.getName(); auditRequest.event.attribute.add(a); a = com_tibco_n2_ec_api_base_Factory.createAttribute(); a.attributeId = -1; a.attributeName = "componentId"; a.value = "ECCustomAudit"; auditRequest.event.attribute.add(a); a = com_tibco_n2_ec_api_base_Factory.createAttribute(); a.attributeId = -1; a.attributeName = "messageCategory"; a.value = "CUSTOM"; auditRequest.event.attribute.add(a); a = com_tibco_n2_ec_api_base_Factory.createAttribute(); a.attributeId = -1; a.attributeName = "principalId"; a.value = Process.getOriginator(); auditRequest.event.attribute.add(a); a = com_tibco_n2_ec_api_base_Factory.createAttribute(); a.attributeId = -1; a.attributeName = "principalName"; a.value = Process.getOriginatorName(); auditRequest.event.attribute.add(a); a = com_tibco_n2_ec_api_base_Factory.createAttribute(); a.attributeId = -1; a.attributeName = "managedObjectType"; a.value = "customAudit"; auditRequest.event.attribute.add(a); /* * Custom Attributes here! * In this example the data (attrVal) is assigned to the attribute (attrName) * entered in the previous form */ a = com_tibco_n2_ec_api_base_Factory.createAttribute(); a.attributeId = -1; a.attributeName = attrName; a.value = attrVal; auditRequest.event.attribute.add(a); /* * Attributes below are mandatory and should contain valid values * These are currently assigned the values entered in the previous form */ auditRequest.event.message = msg; auditRequest.event.messageId = msgId; auditRequest.event.priority = priority; auditRequest.event.severity = severity;
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