
ScriptUtil provides methods to create various types of object, to modify Duration objects, and to serialize business objects into or deserialize them from their XML representation.

Factory Methods

Note: Some of the functions provided by the ScriptUtil factory are also supported in an IpeScriptUtil factory. See IpeScriptUtil (and ScriptUtil) Conversion Date and Time and String Functions for more information.
Return Type Function Comments
BigInteger createBigInteger(Integer)  
BigDecimal createBigDecimal(Integer)  
createBigDecimal(Decimal) This uses an implicit MathContext.DECIMAL64.
createBigDecimal (Text)  
createBigDecimal (BigInteger)  
MathContext createMathContext(Integer setPrecision)  
createMathContext(Integer setPrecision, RoundingMode setRoundingMode) RoundingMode is an enumeration with the following values: CEILING, FLOOR, UP, DOWN, HALF_UP, HALF_DOWN, HALF_EVEN, UNNECESSARY
Boolean createBoolean(Text booleanText)  

The MathContext object specifies the number of digits used to store the number (that is, the size of the mantissa), and also how to round numbers (of various forms, up, down, and nearest to use). For more information about MathContext, see

MathContext is not used when creating BigDecimal objects unless otherwise stated. It is the scale parameter in BigDecimal methods that specifies the number of decimal places that should be maintained in the objects. See Other Supported Methods for more details on this format.

Duration Methods

The following ScriptUtil methods are provided to enhance the basic interfaces provided for Duration objects.

Type Method Comments
BigDecimal getFractionalSeconds(Duration dur) Returns the fractional part of the seconds of the duration.
Integer getMilliseconds(Duration dur) Returns the fractional second part of the duration measured in milliseconds.

For example:

dstField.integerSigned = ScriptUtil.getMilliseconds(srcField.duration);

XML Serialization Methods

The following ScriptUtil methods allow you to serialize business objects into or deserialize them from their XML representation.

Return Type Method Comments
Boolean isConvertableToXML(Class object) Returns true if the specified object can be converted to XML.
String toXML(Class object) Returns the XML representation of the specified object.
String toXML(Class object, String type) Returns the XML representation of the specified object, using the specified type (which can either be the element name or fully qualified class name.
Class fromXML(String string) Returns the business object represented by the the specified XML string.