Process Instance Migration

Process instance migration is the ability to migrate a long running process instance to a different version of the process template from which it was generated. Process instance migration is controlled by the use of migration points and migration rules.

  • A migration point is a task in the process template at which a process instance can be migrated to a different version. Not all tasks are valid migration points - for example, tasks that have a parallel path, or tasks that may have parallel executions due to multiple tokens flowing on a single path. Valid migration points are automatically identified by TIBCO Business Studio at design time and are denoted by an icon next to the task in the Process Modeler.
  • A migration rule defines when, how and to what version a process instance will migrate. A migration rule identifies the migration point in the process template from which a process instance will migrate, and the process template version to which it will migrate.

See "Design Considerations for Process Migration" in the TIBCO Business Studio Modeling User’s Guide.

At runtime, when a process instance task that is defined as a migration point executes, TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM checks if a migration rule is set. If a migration rule is set, TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM:

  • migrates the process instance to the new version of the process template defined in the migration rule.
  • continues execution of the task using the migrated to version of the process instance.

Process instance migration can be performed in two ways:

  • using Openspace. See "Working with the Process Templates Gadget" in theTIBCO ActiveMatrix Openspace User’s Guide for more information about how to do this.
  • using the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM web service API. See "Process Migration" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Developer’s Guide for more information about how to do this.