Searchable Attributes

A searchable attribute is one that is intended to be used in case data search criteria. Searchable attributes can be used in process scripts or BPM public API calls to find cases that match specified attribute values.

For example, find all policies whose IDs begin with the string PN-456.

Searching is possible using any attribute of an appropriate type, but is much more efficient when using searchable attributes. (In the case data tables that represent the case model, indexes are created for all searchable attributes, to facilitate rapid searching of the database.)

Any appropriately typed attribute of a case class or global class can be defined as searchable. Attributes of local classes cannot be made searchable.

Case identifiers are always searchable. (This setting cannot be changed.) Other attributes can be set to being searchable or not searchable (their default value). A searchable attribute is indicated by the icon.

For example, in the following case data model fragment, the Policy case class has been optimized to search for policies by a policy ID or type, or by a policy holder's post code or date of birth.

Searching for a policy based on the other PolicyHolder attributes - such as name or gender - is still possible, but may be much less efficient.