BPM Spotfire Performance Visualizations

The BPM Spotfire template visualizations illustrate a typical use case scenario for a bank. Typically, a bank wants information about ts performance over time. For example, how do their processes perform end to end and how much time is spent on each task. This, in turn, helps the bank to address issues such as what activities are taking the most time and how can that time be shortened.

There are three visualizations that you can use to analyze performance.

  • Performance Tasks
    This template allows you to select a task and then displays:
    • a summary of its duration.
    • a summary of its execution by resource and priority.
  • Performance Resources
    This template allows you to select one or more resources and a time period. It then displays what tasks those resources have been working on and the duration of those tasks.
  • Process Analysis
    This template allows you to select a process. It then displays how many process instances there have been for that process and their duration.