
Closes a work item (and updates the associated input and output data).

  • The request must specify the work item that should be closed.
  • The response returns the ID of the closed work item.
  • This operation puts the work item into a PendHidden state if a hidden period is specified, or into a Pended state if not.
  • This operation can only be used if the work item is in a state from which it can be closed. See TIBCO BPM Developers Guide for information.
  • This operation can only be used if the work item is assigned to the user with whose credentials the operation is being invoked.
Action CloseWorkItem
Parameter Notes
  • userId: the ID (GUID) of the user to close the work item.
  • item: the WorkItem retrieved from a call to OpenWorkItem or OpenNextWorkItem .
  • channelId: the channel ID being used. For a GWT client, this is typically openspaceGWTPull_DefaultChannel.
  • channelType: the channel type being used. For a GWT client, this is typically GWTChannel.
Return WorkItemResult
private void closeWorkItem(WorkListItem item)
ManagedId id = toManagedObject(item);
HashSet<ManagedId> ids=new HashSet<ManagedId>();
BPMWebClientService.getInstance().execute(new CloseWorkItems(ids), new AsyncCallback<VoidResult>()
public void onFailure(Throwable caught)
Window.alert("Error: " + caught.getMessage());
public void onSuccess(VoidResult result)
Window.alert("Work item closed");

Required System Action

Requires closeOtherResourcesItems in order to close a work item currently allocated to another user—for example, when a manager is closing an item in a supervised work list (see TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM - BPM Developer’s Guide for information on supervised work lists).

Otherwise, none.