Query Parameter Syntax

When querying process templates and instances, the query parameter must use specific SQL syntax.

For example:

   SELECT attribute(s) FROM process WHERE condition
   [ORDER BY attribute(s) ASC|DESC];


  • attribute is a valid process data attribute. For list of valid attributes, see Query Parameter Attributes.
  • condition is an expression that defines the filter to be used. The condition expression must use the following syntax:
       attribute operator value


    • attribute is a valid process data attribute for the WHERE clause. For list of valid attributes, see Query Parameter Attributes.
    • operator is a valid operator for the WHERE clause. For a list of valid operators, see Query Parameter Operators.
    • value is a constant literal. The constant literal can be a numeric type, date/time type or text type. A text literal must be enclosed in single quotes e.g. ‘mytext’.

SQL keywords such as SELECT, FROM and WHERE are case insensitive.

The ORDER BY clause can be used to sort the data.

Filtering can be done based on multiple conditions by the use of the AND and OR logical operators. Parenthesis can be used to form complex expressions. For example:

  • SELECT attribute(s) FROM process WHERE condition1 AND condition2;
  • SELECT attribute(s) FROM process WHERE condition1 OR condition2;
  • SELECT attribute(s) FROM process WHERE (condition1 OR condition2) AND condition3;
Note: Only a subset of the SQL SELECT statement is supported. The following features are not supported:
  • SELECT in the WHERE clause
  • JOIN