Concept Models

A concept model is a specialization of a business object model. It is specialized using a UML Profile that extends the meta-data to provide additional functionality over core UML.

You may want to create a concept model instead of a business object model if it suits your business requirements.

A concept model is different from a business object model because in a concept model:

  • Attributes for Domain Values are available. You can specify the permissible Domain Values for an Attribute (the values that they are likely to have in your model).
  • There are Concepts instead of Classes. Concepts are different from Classes because they can have domain values, whereas Classes cannot.
  • Operations are not available because a concept model is intended for modeling data only. It is not intended to model how data behaves.
  • Aggregation and composition are not available.
  • You cannot apply stereotypes.
  • You cannot apply additional UML Profiles to a concept model.