Deployed Applications

Ths topic covers application components and application names after deployment.

Application Components

When a project containing at least a process or an organization model is deployed, it creates:

  • An application template.
  • An application instance of the template

    The application instance is "wired" to other resources on the ActiveMatrix BPM server. This defines the relationship between the developed application and the other applications and resources on which it depends.

Application Names

When an application is deployed, it must be identified by a unique name. In a development or testing environment, there may be several versions of an application deployed together, so it is necessary to distinguish between them.

When deploying an application, you can choose an application name either from the Application Configuration dialog in the DAA Deployment Wizard in TIBCO Business Studio, or from the TIBCO Administrator UI.

Caution: During deployment, do not change the BDS Application deployment BDSCaseDataStoreResource configuration property value.

A typical BPM application name is constructed from the project ID and is of the form com.example.projectname, where projectname is the project name with any internal spaces removed. You can replace com.example by your own organization’s domain name, or whatever else is required by your naming conventions.

Note: The project ID is assigned when you create the project, and you can change it subsequently by right-clicking the project and selecting Properties > Project Lifecycle.

You can change the default domain name by selecting Window > Preferences > User Profile. Then edit the Domain Name field which is set as com.example.

It is important to realize that the deployed application name may not necessarily bear any direct resemblance to the project name in TIBCO Business Studio. For an example about deploying and undeploying applications, see How BPM Handles Organization Model Versions at Deployment