
Allocate the next available work item for a specified resource to that resource and immediately open the work item (to get the associated input and output data). “Available” means a work item that is not locked nor suspended. The operation fails if there is no next item in the resource’s work list.

  • The request must specify the required resource.
  • The response returns full details of the allocated work item.

This operation can only be used if the work item is in a state from which it can be allocated and opened.

Action OpenNextWorkItem
Parameter Notes
  • channelId: the channel ID being used. For a GWT client, this is typically openspaceGWTPull_DefaultChannel.
  • channelType: the channel type being used. For a GWT client, this is typically GWTChannel.
  • userId: the user ID (GUID) of the user opening the next work item.
Return WorkItemResult

Required System Action
