Adding Classes Attributes and Operations

You can add classes, attributes and operations to your Business Object Model.


  1. Using the Class tool, place a Class on the model and name it.
  2. Using the Attribute tool, place Attributes within the Class.
  3. In the Properties view for each Attribute, select the Type and specify whether there can be multiple values for the Attribute (whether it is an array). (See "Attributes" in TIBCO Business Studio Concepts for more information about attribute types and multiplicity). When you specify multiplicity values in the Properties view for Attributes, you can use content assistance. Press Ctrl + space in the field and the available multiplicity values are displayed.

    To apply restrictions to your Primitive Type, click the Resource tab and expand Restrictions.

  4. Using the Operations tool, place Operations within the Operations Compartment in the lower section of the Class graphic.
  5. In the Properties view for each Operation, specify the return value type and any parameters or parameter types.
  6. In the Properties View for each Class, Attribute or Operation, click the Stereotypes tab to apply any stereotypes you want to apply. See Applying Stereotypes to Business Objects for more information.