Auditing Instances of Process Templates Overview

Events that take place in Openspace are recorded in the audit trail. The audit trail displays a list that contains the events for the currently selected process instance. It allows you to see the events that have taken place for that process instance since it was created. The type of events that are audited are, opening a work item, submitting a work item, suspending a process instance, and so on.

Events have attributes that contain information about the event. Some examples are Creation Time and Description. Some attributes are common to all events, and some are unique to a particular type of event. The columns that are shown by default in the audit trail are those attributes that are common to all events.

When you select an event in the audit trail, attributes that are applicable to that event are displayed in the event attribute pane below the audit trail.

Important: If you have upgraded ActiveMatrix BPM, the audit trail is blank for all process instances. This is because audit data from your previous ActiveMatrix BPM system is unavailable after an upgrade. To make the audit data available, you must migrate your data from your previous ActiveMatrix BPM system to your new ActiveMatrix BPM system, by manually executing a stored procedure. By default, the stored procedure only migrates the latest 20,000 events at a time. For process instances whose events are only partially migrated, the audit trail is blank. Secondly, depending on how you perform the migration, you may have some process instances whose events are only ever partially migrated. In this case, the audit trail for these process instances will always be blank. See "Migrating Data Stored in Event Collector" in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Installation and Configuration.